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Sports Coaching with a difference

PACES was created in 2017 by Jim McGettrick and Jamie Pitman.

Sports Coaching with a difference
PACES are a specialist provider of high-quality PE coaching for primary schools in Herefordshire and Worcestershire.

PACES was created in 2017 by Jim McGettrick and Jamie Pitman. Jamie, a former professional footballer, and Jim both spent many years working as coaches at the FA.

They knew that many primary schools did not have access to high quality sports teaching, either due to a shortage of financial and people resources, a lack of skills and knowledge, or massive workloads on teachers. Plus some companies involved in supplying sports provision to schools were doing it badly, with high turnovers of staff and inexperienced coaches. 

Our Coaches
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Our three core values
PACES was formed with a clear vision…

…to offer high quality sports coaching in primary schools, with a clear focus on 3 core values of accountability, reliability, and consistency. 

  • PACES take full responsibility for the planning, implementation, and tracking of their sports coaching programmes, working alongside teachers to build up their knowledge and confidence in delivering these programmes 
  • PACES are committed to their schools receiving the same member of staff each week. In the event that a member of staff cannot be present, the replacement individual will be of the same standard in terms of experience and training  

  • PACES’ sporting programmes are well-planned and clearly defined, featuring tangible goals and performance tracking measures – designed to deliver the very highest standards of primary school sports coaching in Herefordshire
  • PACES only use highly trained and experienced staff who are all employed full time by the company 

  • All PACES Coaches are constantly learning to improve their delivery. Our current staff member are all undertaking a Level 4 Sports Coaching qualification with a specialism in coaching in primary schools. Thius sits alongside the national governing body qualifications that they all have and ensures our delivery is constantly improving

  • All personnel are trained in first aid and safeguarding, and are DBS checked